Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Week at Work

             As a child, I was never the crafty, artsy type. I liked to doodle a bit, but I never liked making something with my own hands. I remember when I had to do a project, when I was in 2nd grade I believe, for my HELE class, or the Home Economics and Livelihood Education (had to google that one). We had to make our own stuffed bear. OUR OWN SELF-MADE TEDDY BEAR! Seriously? You expect 7 year olds to create a stuffed toy from scratch? First of all, children that age shouldn’t be allowed to handle needles. Second, that project was just disgustingly hard! I couldn’t get the ears and the eyes to even out on each side. The hands and the legs were all angled weirdly.  Basically, the bear looked retarded. At the end, my mom had to take it to the tailor to fix it so all my hard work went down the drain. But on the plus side, I did get a high mark.

                Anyway, 15 years later, here I am working for a handmade crafts store… and I still don’t know how to sew :P Although my main job is to handle the shipping, I do a few crafts here and there. But I only handle the projects that only require the use of scissors and a hot glue gun. While I can't say I personally like the products we're selling (they're vintage victorian accessories), I have to say I enjoy creating things from scratch now. 

Here are some of the things I worked on this week. :)

A fancy switch cover for your fancy bedroom. 
One on the left is a soap wrapped in lace, ribbon and all that nice stuff.
Right one is a heart-shaped perfume bottle <3

Victorian gloves in ecru. The lace feels so uncomfortable!
 A bridal guest book with matching pen. 

     Btw, here's the link to our online store in case you like these kind of items. They can be really expensive though. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

July 13,2012, Friday.
                  Something about this day felt different.  And it’s not the fact that it is Friday the 13th cause I just realized that now (I’m so slow!) These past few days…hmm… I don’t even remember what happened these past few days. I know I’ve been lazy and useless around the house. My room is still a mess. I have yet to check up on the university I’m transferring to. I would literally sit on the couch for hours and do nothing but breathe and think. I haven’t accomplished anything at all. Basically, the rest of this week was just me being my usual lazy self. With all those free time, I did absolutely nothing.  
            I can’t really explain how I was feeling today. For the most part, it was pretty uneventful. I woke up late around 11am, had brunch (fried bangus), went to work until 6pm, then got home and did the usual (watch TV, internet). All day though, I just had this nagging feeling inside my chest. I did not know why but it was bothering me the whole day. I felt like I need to talk to someone about it but at the same time, I wanted to be alone.
            These past few weeks, I’ve been living like a zombie. I’m physically here in Rancho but my mind was halfway across the world. Yes, it’s creepy, and just wrong. But I was happy! Every time I think about all the good memories I made during my trip, it just puts a smile to my face. When there were problems in the house, I would just shut myself into my own little world and ignore everything else. I was contented like this. But today, my happy place didn’t feel so happy.  It didn’t make me sad neither. What I felt was more of annoyance. Like my mind is telling me, “Seriously! Snap out of it!”  
            So I realized that my hangover had been extended far too long. I need to start doing something productive for myself. No more daydreaming. No more procrastination. 
Starting tomorrow...


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Let's Start With the Introduction

     So I finally decided to create a blog. Actually, this may be the third or fourth time I made an account but this will be the first time I'm actually creating a post. Maybe it was due to my laziness or because I was busy with work and school. Or maybe I was just lacking inspiration. Yup, that's it! I was just uninspired. But school is over and I just got back from an unforgettable trip that basically changed my whole perspective about everything. It gave me plenty of new experiences, new friends, and most importantly, this trip showed me how lucky and blessed I am with my life right now despite the many problems I have. Plus, I need a new hobby or these following months will be like hell. :p
So, let's hope I won't revert back to my lazy ways and find excuses not to update this blog...
Let's Have Fun!!